The tropical softs market, which includes sugar, cocoa, and coffee, will receive critical focus at Agri-Food Europe, a key event for buyers and sellers in global food and agriculture commodity markets.
On February 26th-27th, at the Okura Hotel in Amsterdam, Expana – the parent company of businesses such as Mintec, Tropical Research Services (TRS) and Strategie Grains – will bring together those interested in learning about the disruptions in key agrifood commodity markets and what we can expect next.
With drastic changes in prices witnessed, giving tropical softs a focus at Agri-Food Europe is a priority for Expana, who understands the pain points faced by both buyers and sellers of these products. On February 27th, the event will feature a day dedicated to this group of commodities, offering market analysis, insight into potential disruptors, supply and demand trends, and price forecasting for the coffee, sugar, and cocoa markets. Alongside this industry panel will provide perspectives from those facing these challenges daily, discussing strategies for overcoming them. “Given the volatility we have seen in some of these markets over the past 12 months, we believe it is vital to offer additional insight into why we are seeing this disruption and what we can expect next. At Agri-Food Europe, we will be providing attendees with the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of our expert market and forecasting analysts, ensuring that they are equipped with the knowledge they need to take forward into 2025.”
“Despite prices now being lower than they were in April, cocoa prices are still incredibly elevated. The price of the key chocolate ingredients – cocoa butter and cocoa liquor – has risen by around 200% since the beginning of last year, which has caused challenges across the value chain. For those buying or selling tropical softs products, I would suggest joining the conversation not only to meet suppliers and buyers but also to gain the true picture of what is happening in the sector.”
Tropical softs will feature alongside other key agrifood commodity markets at this event including dairy, eggs, oilseeds, grains, red meat, poultry and feed.
Find out more about the event and what else to expect over the two days here
Written by
Olympia Theocharous