Expana clarifies the Incoterm of its South America DCP import spot Expana Benchmark Price

Expana clarifies the Incoterm of its South America DCP import spot Expana Benchmark Price

March 18, 2025

Expana wishes to clarify the Incoterm of its South America dicalcium phosphate (DCP) import spot Expana Benchmark Price with the Expana Code 24680.

The Incoterm had been specified as FOB Sao Paulo, but the assessment has always reflected the price for Southern Brazil as the majority of imported feed phosphate enters Brazil via the states of Santa Catarina (Port of Sao Francisco do Sul) and Parana (Port of Paranagua).

This clarification to FOB Southern Brazil does not impact any historical price assessments as Expana is only updating the Incoterm to accurately reflect the existing assessment.

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